Reverse Seam
There is only a couple reasons you could ever see this issue, and they are both cam plate related. In the photo of this seam, we have a case of Op 2 coming in first, and Op 1 second, causing a whole bunch of wonk to the seam. No matter if your seamer moves cans left to right, or right to left, Op 1 will always be to the right of the chuck, while Op 2 is on the left side of the chuck. Inside the seamer housing up top, the Op 1 travel bearing is on top and follows the top plate, while the Op 2 travel bearing is on bottom. any element of swapping around here will never work.
Order of Operation:
Ensure that the cam plates are the correct orientation: Op 1 on top, Op 2 on bottom
Ensure travel bearing blocks are correct orientation: Op 1 on top and on the right, Op 2 on bottom and on the left.
The seamer needs to be spinning clockwise, if it is not, that's a weird one dude.